Other services available

The EVP program is not a crisis service. Please call 000, if you are in immediate danger.

Crisis support


Helping Queenslanders find pathways to safety, away from domestic, family and sexual violence.
Phone:  1800 811 811


Womensline  provide  24 hours, 7 days, Emergency transport and accommodation, Specialist crisis counselling, Safety planning, Information, referrals & support.
Phone: 1800 811 811

MensLine Australia

A telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men.
Phone: 1300 78 99 78


National sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service. This service is free and confidential. Available 24/7.
Phone: 1800 737 732


Support line for mob who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping. Available 24/7.
Phone: 13 92 76


A national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Available 24/7.
Phone: 13 11 14

Family, domestic and sexual violence support

Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service

Provides Adult and Child counselling, court support and community training in the Cairns, Tablelands, Douglas Shire regions
Phone: 4033 6100

Cairns Sexual Assault Service (CSAS)

Provides a free and confidential service for anyone affected by sexual violence.
Phone: 07 4031 3590

Women’s centre FNQ

Provides centre-based support offers booked appointments with specialist trained Domestic Violence practitioners, works with women and their children when multiple or complex support needs exists, and provides case managed support around domestic violence, homelessness, child safety matters and court support.  Cairns and Atherton.
Phone: 4051 9366

Victim Assist Qld

Help for Queensland victims of crime after they experience violent crime or domestic and family violence.
Phone:  1300 546 587

VictimConnect (DV Connect)

Provides trauma-informed victim support for all victims of crime, including 24/7 telephone support, case management, emotional support, psychological first aid and free therapeutic counselling.
Phone: 1300 318 940

Australian Red Cross

Provides Financial Assistance program for people experiencing family and domestic violence. The program is not open to Australian citizens or permanent visa holders. If you are a citizen or permanent visa

Men’s Referral Service

For anyone in Australia whose life has been impacted by men’s use of violence or abusive behaviours. Available 7 days.
Phone: 1300 766 491

54 Reasons

Provides trauma-informed support for young and adult males who are victims of sexual violence.
Phone: 1800 760 011

Say it out Loud

A national resource for LGBTQ+ communities and service professionals working with people who have experienced sexual, domestic, and family violence.


Supports people with intellectual or learning disabilities who are victims or survivors of sexual violence or have been victims of crime.
Phone: (07) 3262 9877

Women’s Wellbeing Line

Offers Non-crisis mental health support, Continuity-of-care therapeutic counselling, Grief and loss counselling following miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death, Midwifery support and advice, Specialist domestic, family, and sexual violence counselling and Referral services

Phone: 1800 4WOMEN (1800 496 636)

Counselling & mental health support services

National Suicide Call Back Service

A nationwide service providing telephone and online counselling to people affected by suicide. Available 24/7.
Phone: 1300 659 467

1800 ELDERHelp

A free call phone number that automatically redirects callers seeking information and advice on elder abuse with the phone service in their state or territory.
Phone: 1800 353 374

Indigenous Suicide Postvention Response Service

The Indigenous Suicide Postvention Response Service supports individuals, families and communities affected by suicide or other significant trauma.
Phone: 1800 805 801

Beyond Blue

Provides information and support to help anyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health.
Phone: 1300 224 636

Reach Out

Online mental health service for young people and their parents in Australia.

Kids Helpline

Free, confidential online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Available 24/7.
Phone:1800 551 800

Full Stop Australia

National trauma counselling and recovery service for people of all ages and genders experiencing sexual, domestic and family violence.  This service is free and confidential.  Available 24/7.
Phone: 1800 943 539

Full Stop Australia – Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline

For anyone from the LGBTIQA+ community whose life has been impacted by sexual domestic and/or family violence. This service is free and confidential. Available 24/7.
Phone: 1800 497 212


Provides support to all members of the LGBTIQA+ community through live Webchat and phone service available from 3pm-midnight each day.
Phone: 1800 184 527


Provides individualised, trauma-informed, therapeutic counselling, psychological first-aid, information, advice and referrals for victims of non-violent property crime.
Phone: 1800 574 066


Social, emotional, and cultural well-being online resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Legal support

Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal Service (QIFVLS)

Provide a free legal service for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people affected by family violence or sexual assault.
Phone: 1800 887 700

North Queensland Women’s Legal Service

Provides information and/or referrals in any area of law, primarily legal advice and assistance in the areas of family law (including separation, divorce, parenting and property settlement), domestic, family and sexual violence, child protection and migration.
Phone: 07 4033 5825

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (ATSILS)

Provides a broad range of civil, family and criminal law services, a range of prevention, intervention and community legal education programs, coronial and public sector monitoring and Throughcare services.
Phone: (07) 4046 6400


Provides free information and support to victims and witnesses going through a court process.
Phone: 1800 449 632

My Blue Sky

Provides free legal and migration support to people experiencing forced marriage and other forms of modern slavery in Australia.
Phone: 02) 9514 8115

Financial support

Mob Strong Debt Help

Provides free legal advice and financial counselling for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, nationwide.
Phone: 1800 808 488

Indigenous Consumer Assistance Network (ICAN)

Provides consumer education, advocacy and financial counselling services to Indigenous consumers across the nation.
Phone: 07) 4031 1073

National debt helpline

Provides free financial counselling service and support with debt problems, debt solutions and complex situations.
Phone: 1800 007 007

Housing support

Rent Connect

Provides help to Queenslanders to find and apply for a place to rent.
Phone: 07) 4036 5591

Tenants Qld

Provides the Queensland Statewide Tenant Advice and Referral Service (QSTARS), Community Legal Services Program (CLSP), Domestic and Family Violence Sector Capacity Building Project, Financial Counselling Service
Phone: 1300 744 263